Temperatures in Nevada have risen almost 2.4°F since the beginning of the 20th century. Under a higher emissions pathway, historically unprecedented warming is projected to continue through this century, with associated increases in heat wave intensity and decreases in cold wave intensity.
Nevada is the driest state in the United States, and future projections of annual precipitation are uncertain. Increases in temperature are projected to lead to reductions in late winter and spring snowpack, with potential negative impacts to water supplies.
Drought has been common since the beginning of this century. Higher temperatures will increase the rate of soil moisture loss during dry spells, increasing the intensity of future naturally occurring droughts. The frequency and severity of wildfires are projected to increase in Nevada and surrounding states.
Nevada is largely a dry state with a highly diverse climate due its large range of elevations: from less than 500 feet in the scorching lowland desert in the south to more than 13,000 feet in the cool mountain forests in the north. Las Vegas is one of the hottest cities in the United States, with summer high temperatures averaging 102°F and regularly exceeding 110°F (an average of about 9 days per year reach 110°F or higher). Much of the state lies within the Great Basin, a region between the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada, encompassing numerous small mountain ranges and high-elevation desert valleys. Nevada is located on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada, which blocks much of the moisture from the Pacific Ocean from reaching the state. Due to the climate and rugged mountainous terrain, much of the land is sparsely populated. The majority of residents live in two concentrated urban areas, the Las Vegas and Reno-Sparks metro areas, which are supported by water from Lake Tahoe and the Colorado River, respectively. Nevada is the Nation’s driest state, with statewide annual average (1895–2020) precipitation only 10.2 inches. Regionally, annual average (1991–2020 normals) precipitation varies from 4 inches in some low elevation locations in the southwest to more than 50 inches on high mountain peaks of the Sierra Nevada.
Temperatures in Nevada have risen almost 2.4°F since the beginning of the 20th century (Figure 1). Over the last 26 years, the annual number of very hot days has been above average, with the highest 5-year average occurring during the 2015–2020 period (Figure 2), partly because of very high annual values in 2017, 2018, and 2020. In addition to a general daytime warming, Nevada has experienced an above average number of warm nights since 2000 (Figure 3). The state is one of the most urbanized in the Nation, with 94% of the population living in areas defined as urban. The urban heat island effect has likely exacerbated these warming trends in Las Vegas in particular, where explosive growth has taken place.
After wet conditions in the late 1990s, total annual precipitation has been near or below average since 2000 but shows no overall trend across the 126-year period of record (Figure 4). Seasonal precipitation patterns vary across the state, with most locations receiving the majority of their precipitation during the winter months. However, eastern and southern areas, including Las Vegas, can experience intense summer rainfall from the North American Monsoon system.
Drought is a critical climate threat for this arid state (Figure 5). Since 2000, the Colorado River basin, the source of water for the southern part of the state, has experienced drought conditions, with impacts on Lake Mead. In addition, winter precipitation was well below average from the 2011–12 through the 2014–15 water years (October–September), and all of those years were abnormally warm. This led to a strain on water supplies in agricultural areas that rely on surface water. The majority of the counties in the state have been designated as natural disaster areas due to extreme drought conditions. Lake Mead, the largest man-made reservoir in the United States, provides water for southern Nevada, as well as Arizona, southern California, and northern Mexico. As of October 25, 2021, water storage in Lake Mead was at 34% capacity, and water levels have been dropping since 2000 (Figure 6). Due to aggressive conservation policies, metropolitan areas have been able to manage the reductions in water supplies. Parallel declines in snowpack have been observed over this same time period (Figure 7). Snowpack refills Lake Tahoe every spring, and lake levels slowly decrease throughout the year. Warm and/or dry years lead to low snowpack and associated decreases in the lake’s water levels. Since 1900, the lake has fallen below the natural rim 21 times (Figure 8).
Since 2004, the state has received multiple federal disaster declarations for wildfire events. Following the national drought of 2012, western wildfires burned an estimated 9 million acres across 8 states, including Nevada, causing more than $1 billion in damages. In 1997 and 2005, severe flooding along the Truckee River caused extensive damages in Reno and the surrounding area. Summer monsoon rains frequently lead to disruptive flooding in the Las Vegas Valley.
Under a higher emissions pathway, historically unprecedented warming is projected to continue through this century (Figure 1). Even under a lower emissions pathway, annual average temperatures are projected to most likely exceed historical record levels by the middle of this century. However, a large range of temperature increases is projected under both pathways, and under the lower pathway, a few projections are only slightly warmer than historical records. Extreme high temperatures are projected to increase substantially, with potentially large impacts in the very hot southern deserts, particularly the Las Vegas metro area, where 70% of the state’s population resides. Extreme heat, combined with the urban heat island effect, will result in poor air quality and an increased risk of chronic respiratory conditions and heat stress.
Projected rising temperatures in Nevada will raise the snow line—the average lowest elevation at which snow falls. This will increase the likelihood that precipitation will fall as rain rather than snow, reducing water storage in the snowpack, particularly at those lower mountain elevations that are now on the margins of reliable snowpack accumulation. Higher spring temperatures will also result in earlier melting of the snowpack, further decreasing water availability during the already dry summer months.
Projections of annual precipitation for Nevada are uncertain throughout this century (Figure 9), but warmer temperatures are likely to decrease the amount of water in the mountain snowpack and increase the demand for water. Higher temperatures will also increase the evaporation rate, which will reduce streamflow and soil moisture. Thus, the intensity of future droughts is likely to increase, as will the risk of wildfires in some ecosystems. Increases in population and potentially decreased water flow from the Colorado River may lead to future water security issues across the state.